What we do

Daniela Ovadia has designed and led with Alexandra Borissova the 2019 European Immunization Training Workshop in Geneva organized by the World Federation of Science Journalists, that took take place on 14-16 October 2019 at the Brocher Foundation in Geneva (Switzerland). More info are available on the website of the WFSJ.


CESJ has worked with Museo da Vida, the London School of Economics and other partners on a new survey on science journalism and science communication that  merged the somehow complementary “Know Thyself Science Journalist” survey and the “Global Science Journalism Report”. 



Fabio Turone has co-organised a series of workshops for science journalists – the 2019-2020 Balkan Science Journalism Workshops – in collaboration with the EU Joint Research Center, the WCSJ2019 World Conference of Science Journalists in Lausanne, the Central European Initiative and the ESOF2020 Euro Science Open Forum in Trieste 2020. 

See also the short report published by CEI: Science journalism workshop held in Belgrade

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